Monday, February 22, 2010

An American Hero

Yesterday I learned that Dr. Ron Paul was selected as the straw poll winner at the Conservative Political Action Conference. I'm sure the mainstream Republican Party was shamed by this result. He may be too old to run for president in 2012, but he is a champion for true conservatism, that is, limited government. His winning of the poll sends a message to members of government across this nation that REAL change is needed, that the Fed must be abolished, that the budget must be balanced, that handouts will never help anyone, and that our presence overseas needs to end.

A few years ago, a friend of mine from Texas gave me a signed copy of Ron Paul's book "The Revolution". Unlike most books on my shelf, I actually read it from cover to cover. For the first time in a long time, I was hopeful for our present-day system of government and for my and my children's future. Paul's ideas for America, his "Manifesto" of adhering to the Constitution, was exactly what I needed. It is what America needs, which is really nothing more than returning to our roots. I'm sure I'll write more on this inspiring man later, but for now, here's a video.

This is the entire video of Congressman Ron Paul's acceptance speech at CPAC 2010. Sure, he does ramble a bit, but it's also pretty clear that he is speaking off the cuff and from the heart: